Cetrulo, Mowery & Hicks partner, Larry Hicks, just achieved a win in the KY Supreme Court. The case was for a man named Marshall Parker, who was injured at work at age 69. The workers compensation judge found him to be disabled but cut his benefits because he had reached social security age. Unbelievably, that was what the Kentucky law required. Not anymore. The Supreme Court found that Mr. Parker was entitled to his disability benefits and he should not lose them due to his age or eligibility to receive social security.
The good news for everyone in Kentucky is that by winning for Mr. Parker, the firm won for all Kentuckians. This case will allow them to receive their full benefits, without the fear of social security terminating their workers compensation payments. Now that Parker’s case has been decided by the Supreme Court, anyone else in his situation is entitled to the same result, full benefits.